Working metal requires delicacy… there are many details to take care of.

At K&R Roofing Division we are experts in metal roofs, and we know how to answer each of your questions!

In this blog we will talk a little about all the work and dedication that goes into a metal roof, you can’t imagine!

If it is a repair, we have several steps to follow…

First, we must remove the damaged roof. At K&R Roofing, we make sure to protect the space so as not to cause any damage or leave trash on the floor. Once the roof is uncovered, our experts will analyze the base of the roof to determine if it requires any changes in wood or any repairs that could not be seen before.

We move on to the next step, the preparation, we use an adhesive paper to later place the metal plates.

There is a lot of work behind a good roof, measures must be taken to order the material, each house is unique and has its own needs!

When installing the metal, the sheets must be checked, cut and folded to fit together, so the wind cannot move them. There can’t be any empty space!

Otherwise, if it is a new construction, we will start with a clean foundation and proceed to prepare and do our work!

We also use caulking glue (an adhesive silicone that acts as an insulator) and butyl tape (tape with very sticky synthetic material)

both to prevent water from entering between the joints of each sheet of metal

a symmetrical and beautiful work…

The result is definitely worth it, a roof that in addition to protecting your house, gives your house new life and value!

We have +18 years of experience and many happy clients who ensure the excellent quality of our work! Do not hesitate to call us at 883 – 807 – 2490.

We are k&r roofing division.

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